Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Almost Christmas :-)

Well the Building is getting done bit by bit, the painters were in today putting their touch on the inside walls. I have finished insulating and covering my side of the dividing wall.
This Friday hopefully we will be able to get into Salem and pick up our Slat-Wall, weather permitting.
The first of next week we should be working on getting the Tile upstairs, and mounting the Slat-wall.
We have cancelled our Phone at our house which of course means no more internet at home as well as losing our TV, we were on a "Bundled Service" package. So now we are down to watching Movies or playing card games on the computer or reading books.
We did go with Verizon Broadband Wireless so we can get internet now if there is cell phone service, but only on one computer at a time.
Speaking of next week we will be sharing one night with Mom, then the next night with Stephan and Tamara, and on Christmas Day, God Willing, we will go into Gresham to be with my family at my brother Carl's house.
I don't often editorialize, but seeing how this is my blog HERE GOES; 
This time of year we so easily forget the whole meaning and purpose of this "holiday" season, if you don't want to call it CHRISTMAS.... OK but don't try to stop me from wishing you a Very Merry Christmas... and just remember that in my belief we have recieved the GREATEST GIFT; since the beginning of recorded history; through the Birth, Death and Resurrection, of Jesus Christ, and his promise to all who choose, voluntarily, to follow him. So again I wish you the Very Merriest of CHRISTmases.

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