Friday, July 13, 2007

Tater Trotting with Cruise Oregon 2007

Today we start our anual trip with a bunch of old car people (don't want to say "classic" and offend the purists) I mean old cars, well some old people too.
This year we are driving through Idaho, so they are calling the trip "Tater Trotting" so I found "Darth Tater" & "R2 Spud2" to keep me company.

Rosie won't be joining me until later in the trip so we have "MINI-ROSIE" to keep me company.
I am going to try and upload a few pictures every night and some additional comments as well.
You will see as time wears on that my focus is usually on the cars, people and places in that order.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just a note to my sweetie to have a wonderful trip. May the wind be at your back, the sun off the top of you head, friends at your side and lots of cars to look at....All my LOVE Rosie the wildwoman