Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Day Five Of Tater Trotting

Well today we got off to a good start. After last night having my brothers Edsel's fuel pump fail and my cell phone die, during breakfast we called a parts house and found a part for him and I went to a phone store and got a replacement for my cell phone.
When I got back the car was ready to go, but some of the other officials thought that Carl should have to wear the signs for running out of gas.

Some people can get the most out of the limited space that they have and carry a lot of STUFF.

Any way it's off to Missoula, MT with a stop in Sandpoint, Id for lunch provided by a local car club.

and to show a token of our appreaction for lunch the president of their club is given a commerative plaque.

Then we are off for a long drive to Missoula in 105 F temperatures and dinner on our own and to get ready for our Poker Tournement at the Prision Museum on Wednesday.

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