Saturday, September 06, 2008

Taking a Break.

Today I kind of took a break form the Building and thought while there was the lift there I would take advantage of it and take down the non-working lights over the MuralThe lights have not been working for a while and we decided to take them down rather than hire an electrician to try and fix them.
It was a good decision, almost every screw that I tried to remove Broke, the aluminum housing where corroded so much that they had seized the stainless steel screws and the connection for the electric was so brittle it fell apart just at my touch.
So now they are gone and the next time we are in town we will look for a couple of outside lights hopefully with Plastic housings.
I thought that I would check the Electric Box because it didn't look level and seeing as how it will be in the concrete floor of my Shop, it needs to be level. It wasn't, evidently the hole driller got a little close to it.

So I leveled it again and covered it with duct tape for the Concrete on Monday :-)

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