Well I have been busy with the building, Ben came down and we got our "GREEN TAG" on the meter base and the PUD should be out next week to do their thing and put power to the new meter.
Parker Building came down and after locating where the post should be we found that the building would not work as planed, but by just rotating it slightly it would. They still don't see being able to start on our building until August, which is getting closer all the time.
The next thing for me is rent a pavement cutter and get ready to remove the area of blacktop which would be under the new building, plus make a channel for the rain water run off.
Mean while; back in the garage: The pick is running and I have it ready to pull the trailer.
Everything is hooked up and working and I have even taken it for a really short test drive.
I wasn't perfect with the shortened driveline, it has a vibration, so now I'm waiting for a new Professional built driveline.
In the mean time; we have a new logo for our toys:
It was Rosie's idea, and my design (WHAT A TEAM).
We took the Lebaron to the Gleneden Beach Parade and were chosen to haul the GRAND MARSHALL